Vision Digital Culture

Calderdale Industrial Museum Testimonial

Some time ago we had come across the concept of a digital twin for use as a web-based virtual tour at Calderdale Industrial Museum and were already exploring how we might create one for our own website. When VDC approached us we were given the perfect opportunity to have this done professionally rather than ‘in-house’.  

Initially, our expectations had been confined to no more than advertising, but VDC made us aware of other possible uses and clearly had the experience to advise us on this. This was one of the reasons we opted to accept their offer.  

Projects & Features

  • Collections & Machinery

    The museum has several import industrial collections on four floors and we felt it was important to showcase all of them.

  • Work in Progress

    The biggest challenge was that the museum was a ‘work in progress’ project and as such there was a lot of untidy exhibitions and work tackle around the place. Our own ‘in house’ digital twin had overlooked this but part of VDC’s professional approach was to ensure that we prepared the museum to be showcased to its best effect.

  • Video Integration

    VDC integrated a number of video clips into the digital twin model highlighting some of our knowledgeable and enthusiastic volunteer guides operating our working artifacts. These volunteers are regularly highlighted by visitor feedback in places such as Trip Advisor and in many ways is our USP. We believe the video clips will act as ‘tasters’ to highlight this feature and making the Digital Twin more engaging.

Results & Impact

We would expect potential visitors to become more aware of the extent of our collections and that there are many volunteers on hand to explain and/or demonstrate museum artifacts.  

The Digital Twin is also clearly of use for remote audiences (potentially extending to worldwide) and also those unable, for various reasons, to visit the museum in person. This has the potential for online courses, webinars and outreach educational services, including those done in cooperation other heritage organisations.  

It is also a very useful planning facility for people with disabilities and for school groups  visiting the museum for our educational programmes.  


Yes, I would recommend digital twin technology to other museums and cultural institutions. I believe it will enhance awareness of the organisations and what they have to offer. It will help with visitor planning and there is enormous potential for offering educational services.  

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Artist Interview: Malcolm Ludwigson
Digital Twin

Artist Interview: Malcolm Ludwigson

Back to all Articles & Features Click here to view the virtual tour Malcolm Ludwigson, a celebrated plein-air impressionist, beautifully captures the dynamic coastal landscapes

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